Saturday, May 8, 2010

Resolution! Day 1

Many moons ago I decided to make a resolution to wear more dresses. For many years I was very much a tom boy. This spawned entirely out of having mostly male friends bitching at me to hurry up and get ready. Over time this bitching dwindled my prep time to something like 10 or 20 mins. Not much has changed there, just my choices in what I wear, hair, make up etc. 

My newest resolution is this: Wear every pair of heels/wedges I own at least once.

I have a guilty pleasure TV show, Ghost Whisperer. I love it! While watching an episode I noticed Jennifer Love Hewitt, who was walking in heels through grass, almost roll her ankle and completely eat it. After a second viewing of this moment I noticed from the waist up, she showed no expression! She just kept on walking, acting, and kickin' ass. I was inspired. I don't have a very impressive heel collection. I would love to add more non black items (which goes for most my wardrobe). A sub resolution is also to wear earrings (accessorize in general really). I have been asked, by two separate people, why I don't ever wear earrings.

Notice I am wearing earrings?!
Some cheap-o black espadrilles (which I think I will trash)

I am so excited with life right now. So many amazing things are happening. I have a few really great girl friends I have been spending a lot of time with. I went shopping with the lovely Rose and her awesome mom today. Then had lunch with her and Joey (our honorary girl friend).
So fantastic! 
Some other really really REALLY amazing something happened. That, sadly, I will not write about.
I am so nervous to see how it unfolds and develops. Would be a dream come true if it all works out.

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