Sunday, January 16, 2011


The visit to Baba's was a huge success! So much fun. Aside from getting stuck in traffic and arriving later than I had planned it was perfect. I took so much video on my flip (I plan to chop it up into one piece in my imovie application). We drove down Lombard St, climbed up 843 steps to Coit Tower and ate pizza in an adorable park in North Beach. I love that city. We hit a major mile stone in our relationship and I foresee Mr. Shane around for a really long time. I really couldn't be happier. Had a relaxing day hanging with my mom. Jimmy finished his second marathon. Yay!

Tomorrow I plan on preparing everything so the first few weeks of school goes smoothly, cleaning mostly. Shane and I's weight loss challenge starts tomorrow. I got a new pair of running leggings that will hopefully keep me warm and encourage more cardio (the warm weather coming up helps too).

Anyone out there do anything fun and exciting or particularly relaxing?

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