Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I've been spending a lot of time downtown

My friend Joey and I have been going on a lot of downtown/Midtown adventures lately.

It was AMGEN. Some crazy 100 mile bike race. I saw them riding on highway 20 
as I was on my way home from Humboldt. These peeps are troopers!!

Did some girl time coffee the other day
Rose and I

This is the back of the witch lady of Sacramento.
She is crazy! She says she is a princess from Spain or something.
She casted a spell on Connie (maybe thats what made her the way she is today)
I love seeing the witch lady and her crazy antics around town

Joey: You look like a lesbian
Random guy walking out of CVS: Thats what I said
Me: What the?!

Mid week (not even) posts are so random! Everyone in blogger world and real world is pregnant. STOP IT! I can't take all these babies anymore. Besides, I don't wear maternity clothes! Maybe babies is another thing I have to force myself to get excited about for other people like I do weddings.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow. 
I started running again because I am hell bent on getting into ballerina shape (even a little bit more).
I am really excited for the semester's end picnic on Sunday
I am really excited for slumber party at Joey's Saturday. He has never seen House of 1000 Corpses or Devils Rejects. I expect to hear some of his squawk like screaming.

This is what I think of super sneaky Skype meetings.

1 comment:

  1. ummm i squawk? how dare you? you megan foxx
